
V-checker pro from ecs
V-checker pro from ecs

v-checker pro from ecs

I am not a pro at AWS so my knowledge isat a basic level. I have tried various different checks and ports and nothing seems to be working. From all this, my thoughts are that the undefined shop parameter is causing the health checks to fail, but have no clue how to combat this. Shopify seem to not make deployment as straight forward as you'd like. In the deployment logs of the service, it shows this: Keeping in mind I have exposed port 8081 on the container.Īfter everything sets up, this is the log from the container:Īnd this keeps going on forever. Below is how Im setting up the load balancer when setting up the service: For context, I created the app through the node.js app temnplate shopify provide through the cli, which runs an express app. So from all this I assume the issue lies with the setup of the load balancer or the app itself. After I open the test store with the app it runs fine and the error doesnt show anymore. This error always shows in local development before I open the app on the test store. ensureInstalledOnShop did not receive a shop query argument | The container logs keep showing the error I have tried deploying without a Application Load Balancer (ALB) and it is deployed just fine, however, when I try to deploy the image with an ALB, it keeps failing health checks and deregistering the task from the target group in the alb. I have deployed the container to a private ECR repository and now trying to get the app running on ECS.

v-checker pro from ecs v-checker pro from ecs

I am trying to deploy my shopify app on ECS.

V-checker pro from ecs