
Iclone 7 facial motion capture
Iclone 7 facial motion capture

  • Unreal Live Link Plug-in (Redirect Forum).
  • Character Creator Developer Content Exhibition.
  • Content Exhibition - Content Store & Marketplace.
  • Reallusion Monthly Freebie (Redirect Forum).
  • Bring Your Architecture to Life (2010.11).
  • Physics Toolbox Invention Contest (2012.03).
  • Create a Poster for any Blockbuster Movie (2014.03).
  • Let's Battle - Battle Animation Contest (2014.06).
  • Game Character Animation Contest (2015.04).
  • Showcase Your Armor Knight Competition (2019.09).
  • iClone Lip Sync Animation Contest (2021.07).
  • But maybe we have access to facial puppeteering controls, will take a look. ADDED LATER: I looked at current API limitations and I see that mesh level components are in Inoperable assets list. So, a cheap solution with one webcam would be awesome (but I have doubts if Reallusion would support it, considering that they have to promote their official mocap solutions). As it's a hobby, I don't feel ready to spend that much on iPhone and official Live plugins, I already have spent enough on iClone and CC3 itself.

    iclone 7 facial motion capture

    I've been reading articles and watching videos to gain some knowledge for my Unreal Engine hobby project.

    iclone 7 facial motion capture

    Do we have Python access to the character morph data? When the webcam->OpenCV sends a signal that a specific point was moved on actor's face, how do we map it to iClone character's face? Can we leverage the existing iClone facial morphs or would it require creating virtual mesh regions for facial features and recalculate all the mesh transformations in Python code? I'm a programmer, but I have little experience with Python and facial animations. I recently saw a video about quick&dirty facial mocap for Blender using OpenCV and Python: And there are also other neural network projects that can extract facial feature positions in real time: I'm wondering if it would be possible to implement similar plugin for iClone characters.

    Iclone 7 facial motion capture