
Best project diablo 2 builds
Best project diablo 2 builds

best project diablo 2 builds

Melee side, I don't agree with the offensive aura changes, and just feels a little fragile. given pierce and capable of decent damage, he can be a right caster.

best project diablo 2 builds

Oddly holy bolt seems to take the cake here for me. Still underpowered compared to ranged characters due to other changes the mod makes, but fun. Changes are all pretty behind the scenes, but given a way to deal with physical immunities and overall changes to how melee work go well with him. Oh, look, Valks are viable (summons again.) Barbarian: Of all the melee classes, he's been the most fun. Nothing stands out on the bow side any longer, perhaps just needs perfect equipment. Oddly, the poison changes actually HURT poison more than help. Multi-golems are equally powerful, but a fun mechanic. The new skill that creates corpses is a godsend to skelly builds as well to get you rolling out the gate. Just ate his lightning and asked for thirds.

best project diablo 2 builds

For those unfamiliar, I'm strictly a hardcore player (death is permanent) Quick thoughts on the changes after playing most: Necromancer summons are STUPIDLY overpowered now. The best thing about this mod is the attention and decent player base size. So, I returned after 2-3 years to diablo II again. I don't know why THIS mod is getting the press when there are others of comparable size/ambition out there. If you've known me long enough, you know I was a diablo II person long before I was a civilization person.

Best project diablo 2 builds